Sunday, September 28, 2008

Can you believe it???

They both LOVE their daddy!!!

Holding his babies is Shawn's favorite thing to do. It even beats playing basketball on most days. Bethi knows if she cries, her daddy will stay home instead of going to join his basketball friends. I think I'm finally getting him convinced that she's fine once he leaves!! Hmmmm.....can you say "SPOILED"???
Mommy has her figured out!!! Her crying doesn't work on me! LOL! The next book we buy is going to be THE BOY WHO CRIED WOLF!!! She can turn her tears on and off at the drop of a hat! Other than that, Bethi is a pretty good little girl. She loves to play with her dolls and stuffed animals. She loves to look in the mirrors and practice crying faces! She loves her clothes! And she eats ALMOST all kinds of foods I cook. Just some alot more than others. Tonight we had porkchops and I thought she was going to eat the bone too! We gave her another pork chop instead. Afterward, she pranced around showing off her "fat" belly! Size 4 slim!!! Bethi is learning English really well. She uses language at funny times too. She hit her head on Shawn's chest pretty hard. She popped up and said "I'mmmm OKeyy"......
We always tell her good job when she says something correctly or does something good. She had a Dora the Explorer paddle ball, showing it to Amanu. I pointed at the paddle and told Amanu, "Dora!" Bethi said " good job mommy!"
Amanu is such a sweet baby. He is no longer just a daddy's boy!
Sometimes he reaches out for me when Shawn has him. He has battled alot of sickness. In Ethiopia, and continued here at home. He is finally acting like a baby that feels well!
He pulls himself up, but doesn't walk around holding onto furniture. His little bitty legs....
He turned one year old September 16th. He is much smaller than a one year old. He now weighs 18 pounds. That means he has put on 2 more pounds since being home.
He really doesn't know HOW to play with toys. What he does like, is the doggie toys. He know Sophie our Miniature Schnauzer, will play keep away with him if he has her toy. Amanu sometimes trys to grab the furry porcupine, but accidently pulls on Sophie's schnauzer mustache. Sophie is pretty good with him and even lets him plop down on her for a pillow. I think she realizes that's where all of her extra food comes from!! Smart dog.
Bethi doesn't like the dog, and the feeling is a mutual one. Maybe someday. (when Bethi quits kicking her)
Amanu likes to be in his walker sometimes. He can really get into alot more when he's in it. I had a table runner with a plant on it. I heard a crash......Amanu has now taught me not to use a tablerunner!!! I did go grab the camera!
I think Amanu's hair is finally growing, Bethi's hair is HARD to take care of! I would hate to think of doing two girls hair each day! Good thing a boy can go to the barber!! Shawn has been back to work for 2 weeks now, and met a new coworker when he got back. She is African American, and is going to come braid Bethi's hair!! Yayyy!! She said we can leave braids in for 2 weeks. So I am happy! What wonderful timing!
Speaking of Shawn and work..... When he comes home from work at night the kids are so glad to see him! (tired of mom) Amanu gets SO excited when his daddy comes home!! I definetley need to get a video camera! Amanu's little face looks like it's like Christmas morning!!! It's so cute!

WOW! Time is flying by! Two Kiddos are keeping us really busy!!
To top it off, as I'm writing this Amanuel has really found out he can scream for no reason!!


Dan, Misty & Ashar said...

So awesome to get an update. The pictures are so cute. Love how quickly a little girl gets her daddy figured out!

veggiemom said...

Sounds like things are going great!!!
Kerri, Medina, and Ruby

The Taylor Family said...

Glad for the update. Looking forward to hearing more, especially about Amanu's progression toward better health. I bet he'll keep on packing the pounds and get stronger each day.

Amanda said...

Time is flying by!!! In some ways, not all, though. For some reason it seems to fly by when I look at Bethi and Amanu and you guys settling in....but, when I look at the calendar and try to guess when our court date is--it slows wayyyy down.

Thanks for the update on your two beautiful babes! They're gorgeous and Bethi looks like she's a handfull. She definitely seems the type to try to cry to get her way! Interesting how they learn that.

I'm glad things are going well and that Amanu is putting on weight. I look forward to future updates!

los cazadores said...

So happy to read this!!!! Sounds lovely!


Annie said...

I've been checking each day and was so happy to see this update. Sounds like you are all adjusting well. I know your beautiful babes are keeping you busy!

Gretchen Magruder said...

love hearing about life with 2 little ones....

Hubbards said...

Yeah for the update. They are adorable. Looks like Bethi could give Emilie a run for the drama prize!!! :) Hope we get to see you all soon!


J, A, T and Y said...

So great to hear how you are all adjusting!!!!

atHisrighthand said...

Thanks for the update and all the pictures! how wonderful too see!!! :)

Dale and Sheri said...

What beautiful babies you have!!! Great update, so glad you all are doing great!!

Renee said...

love these pictures!!!

Erin Sager said...

Yah.....I was dying for an update, they are so darling. Looks like you guys are all meant to be together. How beautiful. Can't wait to be in your shoes....

elisa said...

Thank you so much for the update, I love them! They are just so adorable! And amen to the! I do my son's hair twice a day and as soon as our daughter comes home, his hair is coming off!

Missy said...

Beautiful kiddos!! So glad to hear all is well!!!

Leah Reeves said...

I love to hear about your aborable kiddos!!!!

Julie said...

You guys make a beautiful family.

Teresa said...

You are a busy momma! Your babes are beautiful. Little girls have a way with their daddy. I love how they just melt their daddy's heart. So glad to hear Amanu is feeling better.
Sounds like everyone is adjusting well.

I loved seeing the pictures in Ethiopia on your last post...brought back so many great memories. The HoH, Ephrim, Tsegay, pics of the city, the many. Made me smile. :)

Brooke said...

Great Post! Oh, I was so laughing at the table runner issue. So funny!

It looks like you are all doing great! Amanu is going to catch up with Birhanu in the weight department. B is just under 23 lbs. Skinny boy!

Unknown said...

Yeah for new pictures! They look great. I'm glad Amanu is feeling better. Sounds like Bethi has Shawn wrapped tightly around that finger. Too funny!

Julie said...

Loved the update and new pictures. I'm sure you are tired, its nice that the kids love daddy so much and give you a little break.


Kenny said...

So glad you updated! Everybody looks great. Tell Bethi we said hi... I was watching one of the videos we have of the city looking out the window of the van, and you can hear her singing. Pretty darn cute!

Noelle said...

glad to see you home and happy!

Mom to many said...

Hooray - so happy to hear all about the family. They look so CUTE and happy. I might need hair help too - soon. Destiny's is GROWING and fast.

Leah Reeves said...

Are you having fun or what????
They are so darn cute.

Chatter said...

They are so BEAUTIFUL Lisa!! We need to set a date to get the kiddo's together and finally meet :)

Sean and Rachel Kerrigan said...

They look so great Lisa! I hope I get to meet your sweet ones someday:)