Tuesday, July 15, 2008


<This is at the drive-in theatre,the weekend before our referral!
See what can happen at the drive-ins??

And these are the upclose and personal pics of us looking at the referral pic for the first time! Wouldn't you know we'd get "THE CALL" on a bad hair day!?

This is the Fourth of July!! Shawn is still a big kid!My nephew Chance and his cousin, Carlos!

My beautiful daughter, Braden!

She came over and enjoyed the fireworks with us. She has Macee, her furbaby with her.

This past Sunday was a small family reunion for Shawn's family. It was also his grandma's birthday! She is in her 80's, and acts so young for her age!

I almost posted pictures of me holding up my kiddos packages that are beeing taken to them. Then, i realized their picture was on them!
OOOOPS! That was close!!


Gail said...

I can tell you are walking on clouds right now. Hope you are having fun getting ready for your little ones.

Nicholas said...

Yay!! Cute post, I love the pics. of you on the phone - and your hair is fine! :)

So excited for you and Shawn!

atHisrighthand said...

Love the pics! Can't wait for the court date! yeah! So happy for you!

Sandi said...

I had to LOL at the hair comment. I told my husband last week when I was having a bad hair day that for sure that would be the day! LOL Course it wasn't. ;)

Looks like a great time. Can't wait for your court date.

Amanda said...

It's impossible to have a bad hair day on the referral day. :)

Thanks for sharing the photos. You look SO happy.

I can't imagine what that must feel like.

Julie said...

I am so excited for you!!!

Anonymous said...

that is so great that you got some pictures at that moment! i am sure you (and the kids) will cherish those forever :)


Annie said...

looks like lots of great reasons to celebrate this summer :)

Renee said...

your daughter is gorgeous!! love the pictures of you guys looking at your referral pics!! I can't wait to see your babies!!!!!!

dwayne and melanie said...

Congratulations on your referral.

dntnichols said...

I know I've said it before, but I just wanted you to know how happy I am for you. I'm praying for a successful court date.

Emily B. said...

Hurry up and pass court so we can see your beautiful babes! We're getting anxious (I can only imagine how you're feeling!) :)

Mom to many said...

Looks like a fun time - I can't wait to hear you are traveling to get your babes.

Leah Reeves said...

I just read about your referral. I am soooo happy for you. Do you have a court date before or after the courts close? You have waited so long I hope it is before courts close.

Beth said...

my other comment never posted..so here is another...hope things are going great! let me know when you can!