Saturday, June 21, 2008


> The only difference is...I turned 30 *WEEKS* waiting for our referral!There were 6 children referred this week to four families.There was a sibling group OF 3!!Congrats to all on your referrals!!
This brings us a little closer to our referral! I HOPE!!I can't wait to get the call!! For real!!


Anonymous said...

i hope its your turn too!! you have got to be getting so very close now!! hang in there!!


Julie said...

I was so hoping the sibling group was yours. You must be really close to the top of the list by now.

I'm praying for you guys.

Erin Sager said...

You are next in line lady, It will come when you least expect it, stay busy! But heres hoping for a few more referrals next week....

Amanda said...

I can't wait for you to get the call either!! I'm so very anxious for you. I had no idea that siblings would take longer than a single child referral-did you?!

I'm hoping, holding my breath and knocking on wood that the next round has more siblings for you and all the others waiting.


Lori S said...

Yeaaa! You're getting close!

Colleen and JF Bertrand said...

I keep checking all of the time to see your progress! I am always hoping. It must be soon!

Brad and Fran Hoagland said...

Well, you should be like number 2 or 1 in line, depending on where Rachel is... Heres keeping our fingers and toes crossed!

Leah Reeves said...

I hope I hope I hope you get the call soon. I am going to get a huge smile when I visit your blog and read that post.

Stacie said...

I was thinking over the weekend that we'll all know when you get your referral - we'll be able to hear you scream in happiness! :) I can't wait to hear good news!!! C'MON ALREADY!

Sarah and Tim said...

Thanks for stopping by our blog. You're in our thoughts as you await THE CALL!

J, A, T and Y said...

Glad to hear there was progress. Hoping you get your call soon. Sending positive thoughts your way!!!!

Tracy said...

Congrats...what # are you the waiting list?

Nicholas said...

It's coming.....

Stacie said...

This is really weird but last night I dreamt that we got a referral for siblings - I kept saying, "NO! It's Lisa & Shawn's turn!" So, maybe that's a sign it will come this week! :) (Otherwise I have no idea what it means!)

los cazadores said...

Woot! Awesome! Happy Birthday and 30 weeker.


Amanda said...

Ok-new guess for me.
July 14th.

It's GOTTA be right, this time. (or sooner would do!) :-P

Annie said...

nobody will be happier for YOU than me!!!!

let's make a wish; that your referral wait not turn 31!

love and hugs to you---

Christie said...

Hey there! Thanks for stopping by - I am just about to post part four of our journey and it's encouraging to know there are people who enjoy hearing about it. (Mostly people who are adopting, of course)

Meanwhile, just hang in there. And having waited an extreme amount of time for my daughter, I can tell you that the wait is superfluous when it's all said and done. And I don't say this lightly, because I know how absolutely obnoxious the waiting part is. Ugh.

Take care, come by and visit anytime!


Dan, Misty & Ashar said...

I'm thinking you're the one that needs to keep a phone handy! No, I KNOW this, because it HAS to be sooner rather than later for you!! (as if I have to tell you that!!)

Renee said...

come on referral!!

Erica said...

Umm....HELLO I told you it would happen on my birthday! Okay so maybe a little later then that but still lucky number THIRTY!!! I'm SO happy for you and Shawn!

Dan, Misty & Ashar said...

yeah Lisa!!! You're getting comments on your referral before you even post it! HUGE congrats to you and Shawn. It really did happen!!!

Gretchen said...

YAYYYYYY! Jason and I are SO HAPPY for you guys! Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations!


Brooke said...

Ahhhh!!!! Come on we need a new post!!!!!! I'm so happy for you guys!!!


Annie said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GOD IS GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I AM THRILLED FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See, I told you, it's worth it once you see you the photo!!!(ok, so did you turn 31 today????)

love and lots of hugs--

Annie and Maya

Chatter said...

I'm confused....
did you get your referral?? Thinking of you and hoping for some good news soon!!!