Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

Three years ago today I married the most wonderful man.He is the kindest,most caring man I have ever met.
Our first date was a blind date,set up by my sister who worked with Shawn.I really didn't want to go out with him because he was quite a bit younger than me.I gave in,just to shut my sister up. He came to my town, we met at the mall.(Thank God he wasn't the guy with the butt crack goin' on!!) I thought,cute(young)nice,(young)polite,(young).We ate dinner,had good conversation,saw a movie, then I said "thank you, bye!!" It was still light out when we went our separate ways.
I was surprised that he ever called back asking for another date!It just grew from there!!I love him!!


los cazadores said...

Happy Anniversary! Totally sweet stuff.

I think if its the adoption agency in the U.S. they will understand if you don't drink coffee and you can just ask for tea or water... However, if its in Ethiopia, perhaps say you are allergic? Not that you should lie, but it might be handled more comfortably in this fashion...what do you think?


Annie said...

Happy Happy Anniversary!! What a sweet surprise! That's why it frustrates me when my friends say an absolute "no" to a guy after a first date...you never know what may develop :) My mom just went out with my dad the first few weeks to get over another guy....48 years later, still together :)

SO glad that your love story has worked out so well :)

Julie said...

Aww, that is so sweet. Happy Anniversary.

I don't know what your age difference is but my mom is 8 years older than my dad. They have been married over 40 years. That was a big deal to date a younger guy 40 years ago. She thought he was a kid and kept wondering why he was bugging her and wouldn't go away.

As far as our little flood I think everything is ok. We took the ceiling fan down and everything dried up. We have two friends who are plumbers (praise God) who both agree that it should dry out just fine and we will be OK. It was scary though. I thought we had a burst pipe in the ceiling.

Have a great night,

Courtney Rose said...

Congratulations! Sounds a bit serendipitous to me....

Angela said...

Happy Anniversary. This is really sweet.

Brad and Fran Hoagland said...

Happy Anniversary! I am 7 years older than Brad. What is your age difference?

The Journey said...

Happy Anniversary!

Brad and Fran Hoagland said...

Hey! I dont know why, but I responded to your age difference, but it is under "poor puppy". Check it out. Dont know if you would see it there!

Stacie said...

Happy Anniversary! Kevin was 21 when we met - he's four years younger than I am - so I was definitely thinking TOO YOUNG! Turned out he was more mature than I was! :) And, I think we're smart for marrying younger men!

atHisrighthand said...

Now I am curious as to your age difference. haha.
But seriously Happy Anniversry! That is wonderful!


Steve and Aimee Walker said...

That's a sweet story. Sounds like it was destiny. Happy anniversary!

atHisrighthand said...

So did I do the math right? I won't leave my answer here. But that is awesome. the strangest thing about this whole thing is my 17 year old is dating a guy who is in college and they worry about what people will think. (they just started dating, have been best friends for awhile).. Anyhow. I asked God to show me some more people besides my own marriage with people with age difference, so I could show them that God brings people together not age.. Soooooo, too wonderful! I am happy for you! Hold onto eachother! :)
talk with ya later!

Chatter said...

Happy Anniversary!!! Hope you hear some exciting news soon!!

Renee said...

happy (late) anniversary!!