Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I have been tagged by a blog buddies.Elise,Brooke,Angie......
Different taggy stuff,so here's a kinda,sorta list thingy!!

1.I'm left handed.
2.I write upsidedown and backwards.
3.I am really shy.
4.When i meet people i turn red.
5.I have 2 grown children.
6.I raised them, not to be shy.
7.They are both in med school.
8.My son hasn't talked to me much at all,since his dad and i divorced.
9.Still trying to figure that one out.
10.When i was little i slept with all my dolls surrounding me.
11.I played with dolls for a long time.
12.I say FOR REAL??? alot!(even when Erica announced her referral!)
13.I have lived in Kansas,Oklahoma,and Missouri.
14.Spent a month in Toronto,Canada.
15.Loved it.
16.Have never traveled to the East Coast.
17.I have bitten my fingernails all of my life.
18.I'm trying to quit because I don't want to have my fingers in my mouth in Ethiopia.
19.After my dad died,I went to 4 different schools during 8th thru 12th grade.(mom remarried)
20.I graduated high school at 17.
21.My 20 year old sister died when i was 18.
22.Got married at 18.
23.Had my son at 19.
24.Had my daughter at 24.
25.Divorced my children's dad,7 years ago.
26.My hubby,Shawn is younger than I am.
27.Shawn has never had kids.
28.I have long feet.
29.All I ever wanted to be was mommy.
30.I watch American Idol.
31.Grey's Anatomy.
33.Biggest Loser.
34.I'm very close to my little sister.
35.The only fruits i like are apples and watermelon.
36.I don't like veggies.
37.I mostly like pasta.
38.I love to find bargains.
39.I used to play the violin.
40.I wish I could play the piano.
41.I love milk.
42.I have explained to a lot of people where Ethiopia is.
43.I didn't realize so many people didn't know where Ethiopia is.
44.I wash 2 loads of laundry a day.
45. Shawn is the culprit.
46.He plays basketball 2 times a day at the YMCA.
47.I guess i'm glad i do wash so often.At least he always smells good for me.
48.I have auburn colored hair.
49.When i was little my hair was bright red.
50.I got teased alot for having red hair.
51.I have a ton of shoes.
52.Most of them i don't wear.
53.I have a problem wearing heels.
54.I haven't bought or got a free cell phone in 3 years.
55.It's because i don't want to learn how to use a different one.
56.I don't even like the cell phone i have.
57.I wish i were more organized.
58.Shawn & I chose using money for adoption,over having a bigger nicer home.
59.I'm glad we did.
60.My Grandpa always called me Peaches.
61.I always thought it was funny,since i don't like fruits.Especially peaches.
62.I guess i had hair like peaches when i was born.
63.I'm really bad about getting lost when travelling.
64.Shawn's driving scares me.
65.Mine should as well!
66.I talk to my mom at least once a day.
67.Lately she asks the same question.
68.I know-Anyone waiting for a referral knows what her question is.
69.I get mad at Shawn for leaving 3 pairs of shoes out.
70.I only leave one out.
71.I try to get Shawn to argue with me.
72.It never works.
73.I'm stubborn.
74.I have a weird sense of humor.
75.I love that i'm only writing 75!!
I'm tagging Amanda Z,Tiffany,and Autumn


Mrs. Engelhardt said...

Thanks Lisa! I'll be all over it tonight. Never traveled to the east coast, huh? You should; it's lovely here!

Angela said...

I actually tagged you yesterday, too, for a different one... I guess i'll let you out of it because of this one :)

Brooke said...

Great list Lisa! I'm left handed too! It's nice to learn more about you. :)

atHisrighthand said...

Wow! that is some list! btw- I love red hair! And I also talked to my mom everyday, well that is before she went to China.. She'll be back in July, so i am sure we'll be at it again!

Stacie said...

I love your list. Great to get to know you some better

Dan, Misty & Ashar said...

Great post! It is so fun to read all of those little fun things!

Julie said...

I loved your list. How do you writed upside down and backwards?????

So sorry about your son. I'll pray he comes around and you start talking more. That must be hard.

Hope you get your referral soon. I just want to be on the referral waiting list soon. Geeez.

Erica said...

How cute are you?!?! I loved reading this. Great list.

Renee said...

i like to try to get brian to argue with me, too :-)

Annie said...

Great list...I am a leftie, too. It's fun getting to know people more :)

atHisrighthand said...

Hey Lisa,
so I am thinking maybe you should move this way! That way you can be a part of our group. :) haha.. I do feel very fortunate though to have so many in this area! It is such a blessing.
hope you are well!

los cazadores said...

I like "Peaches". My sister calls her daughter "Peanut"... :)


Amanda said...

I enjoyed reading this. And, wow-2 kids in med school! Great stats.

I'm sorry your son hasn't talked to you much-hopefully that will change in the future.

And, I hope you plan on posting pics of the baby's room. I wanna see all sorts of pics-before, during and after! (not that I'm asking too much or anything).

LISA said...

Amanda, I forgot to take before pics of the room!

Leah Reeves said...

Wow now that is a one yet.

Erica said...

Let me tell you - It IS worth it! That song rendered me to tears many a times during our process. I still cry when I hear it. It's so fitting for this process. I can't wait to see the faces of your babies!!

The Taylor Family said...

Great list. I can totally relate to the cell phone business. We're at 2 and a half years with ours! :)