Friday, January 11, 2008


Ok, I finally have pictures!!! The picture of Shawn and I could not be made any ME anyway!! Guess I have to learn more!! Guess I really need to get rid of red eye next time!!

This is our Sophie! She is so sweet. She's 4 years old. She was part of the marriage proposal. Shawn had a ribbon with my engagement ring tied to it. 4 years ago WOW! Sophie has a niece named Macee, that has been staying with her. She looks exactly the same only only alot smaller.....
Since I'm practicing pictures, I'll leave it as is for now!!!


Annie said...

Great job getting the pictures on! It's so nice to match your faces with the names. And just imagine when the updated photo includes your child/ren (can't remember if you are asking for a sibling group or not.) Shawn, great job on that marriage proposal :) How sweet! Sophie is such a cutie.

Chatter said...

Love the picture!! Wow, a face to the name. Thank you. And Sophie is adorable. Thanks for the name suggestions. I think Caper is a great idea!

Enjoy your weekend :)

Jocelyn said... Now all we need are some kiddos!!!

Amanda said...

Sophie is adorable :)
And, I know what you mean about not feeling like we'll ever get done. I have to keep reminding myself that there IS an end in sight and I have to figure out what I'll do to bide my time once the REAL wait begins! :)

Renee said...

Yay for your blog banner!!! Sophie is SO cute!!

Stacie said...

Yay for pictures! And, not that I mind it being so big (it's so cute!) but I think if you open it in Picture Manager (a windows app) and then click "Edit Picture" you can click on "compress pictures" and then choose "for web pages"
That might help - that is what I've done for our pics at the top (including the collage - it was way too big before I compressed it)
Cutie puppy too!

The Journey said...

Cute puppy! I think the picture is great :)

atHisrighthand said...

Good to know there is another one of me out there that is still trying to figure out this blogging world! :) WE have a Sophie puppy also! How fun is that. Take care,

Julie said...

I love the pictures. You will get the hang of it. I was totally internet illiterit when I started my blog but I have learned "slowly" how to do things. Can't wait for more pictures.

Tanya & Ramsey said...

WHOOHOOO LOVE THE PICS!!! Sorry for the delayed response but the whole family has been sick.. UGHH!!
