Thursday, January 3, 2008


Since I don't know how to post pictures yet.....(I'm gonna give it a shot this weekend)!

This is what interests me.

We've all been asked STUPID questions about our adoptions. This link is really full of questions we have been asked, or will be asked sometime soon. And they have some *smart* answers!!
So, to check out some insensitive adoption comments, go to:


Stacie said...

lots of good stuff to read and think about. We've had some of the comments already too, but really not alot. I am preparing myself for when we bring Ryelynn home.

Mrs. Engelhardt said...

You cannot believe the stupid comments we've received! I'm definitely going to post the link to my blog this weekend. (I was actually thinking of doing a post about this a few weeks ago!)

Dan, Misty & Ashar said...

That was pretty sweet! Thanks for sharing;)

Brooke said...

Thanks for stopping by our blog! It's nice to meet you.
It so strange that we both have a post about "dreams" I wrote mine only one day after you posted yours.
I look forward to reading about your journey. Best wishes.

Tanya & Ramsey said...

Glad you found my blog!!! Where are you in the adoption process? Girl, you gotta figure out the picture thing.. lol.. j/k

Lori said...

Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. The outpouring of support from you bloggers is a lifeline.

Jocelyn said...

Good stuff to have!! You need to learn pictures, come on...we like pictures:-)

Tanya & Ramsey said...

No we are not getting the yellow fever.. We were told by the doctor(and its a travel doc) that they area we are going to we will be fine, unless we plan on traveling to other areas and we do not... But I have a huge list of other things.. lol..

Chatter said...

You started a blog!!! I love it. Now I can keep up with your adoption journey. Hope the journey is moving fast :)


The Journey said...

Ok, pictures are a must to learn - get on that! Great link, thanks for sharing.

Gretchen Magruder said...

It makes me wonder how many times in the past I might have put my foot in my mouth...hopefully I've "evolved"....

Tanya & Ramsey said...

How are you doing??? Ok girl.. Have we learned the picture thing yet? LOL


Tanya & Ramsey said...

here ya go...

Julie said...

That was a great link Lisa. I hope I have never been that insinsitive, I really think people just have no clue. It's not an excuse for them, someone just needs to clue them in.
