I am still in shock!!!But SOOOO in LOVE!!!
We have a little girl that is 3 1/2 years old,and a little boy that is 9 months old!!
They are so cute!!OK, he's handsomly cute, and she's beautiful!!
As everyone knows,my wait time was not one that i liked,or enjoyed! I don't mind it all now,because I know these were the two kiddos meant for Shawn and I!
Here is how the day went....
My new co-worker went to lunch early.We don't close the office during lunch hour.
I like a late lunch at 1pm so she gets the 12 noon.At 12:30 she was back at her desk,and so i was contemplating going to lunch early.Then i thought,no it's better to go at 1pm so the rest of my day goes by faster!Am I glad i didn't go to lunch early.
Like i said my co-worker is NEW! This is her 2nd week there.Our main boss has been out of the office for awhile.(read a previous blog about her son):(
New girl is 22,fresh out of college,with a business degree!!But does anyone like blond jokes!! Don't get me wrong! She is really sweet,but YOUNG!!She is QUICK to answer the phone!!! Way quick!!By the way,she's also blond and a size 0!(gotta love her!)Her and i were the only one's in the office.The phone rings....
New girl:Farm Bureau,may i help you?.... May i ask who's calling?
I'm thinking,there is only me and her here. Wonder who wants me?
New girl:It's Hope International,or something like that.
I'm thinking,something like that????
I pick up the phone.
Me: This is Lisa
(not word for word,cause i went kind of numb.Shawn is trying to help,but he was flying high)
Toni:Lisa this is Toni.I have some news for you.
Me:SCREAM!!!!!!!!LOUD!!!!!!!!!!I mean,REALLY LOUD!!!!
Toni:I think we need to get Shawn on his phone,OK?
Me:Yes!kind of laughing nervously!
So while i'm on hold- I am emailing Amanda!!I'm writing things like-I'm on the phone with Toni!!Next email-AMANDA!!!!!
Finally she answers while i'm still waiting on the phone.She replies,"what,what,is this it?" or something like that.
Toni:Are you both on the phone?
Toni then goes on to tell us all about our little ones.YAYYYYYY!!!!!!
She said i had to wait for Shawn to get with me, before i could look at the email.
He was only 9 minutes away.I was good and didn't peek!He didn't get there quick enough for me,so i called him to tell him to hurry!!Meanwhile i called Colleen,and Amanda to tell them.
I went to a back office to pull up yahoo email in there,for some privacy.
I heard Shawn come in,and new girl told him i was in back. He kissed me right away,and we told each other how we couldn't believe how lucky we were!
We chatted a bit,pulled up pictures and fell in love!!
It was weird when i read an email from someone later,i was like,oh who got a 3 1/2 year old???Geesh! It was me!
I really hope we can make it through court before they close!!! I don't want to be away from them anylonger than i have to be.
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Congratulations!!!!! I was so happy to hear you got a referral today.
I bet they are so gorgeous. I cannot wait to see them. :)
I love the story, everything was meant to be, Enjoy every moment! Praying you get through court!!! Congrats.............
Congratulations!!!!! Yeah yeah yeah!!!! Praying you get a court date SOON!!!
I am beyond excited for you! I can't wait to see them! Wow!
Congratulations!! I have been following your posts on the CHI yahoo group and was hoping your referrals would come before the courts closed. So happy for you and your husband.
Yes, I heard you scream!! Did you hear me scream back with excitement????So thrilled for you and have already changed my prayers from a referral to a quick court date :)Enjoy this time!!!
great story!! we're so excited for you!
Congrats!!! Now you'll know exaclty what I was talking about in those long diatribes of mine (tee hee).
What a great day for you! Two wonderful children - they will turn your world upside down and in the best possible way. There is nothing like it...
I am so excited for you and Shawn. Congratulations! I cannot wait to see their sweet faces.
yes, we all heard you scream! And it just made us so excited and happy for you!!!
Jocelyn called to tell me your good news. We're so going to have to get together when you get your kids home.
Kerri and Ruby
Yeah! Congratulations! Soooooo happy for you! I'm sending positive thoughts your way about getting a speedy court date that's successful the first time around so you can get your hands on them ASAP!
Enjoy cloud 9!
Woo Woo!!!! Yes, I think I heard your screams!!! I screamed right back at ya!
Ok, so when we go to Ethiopia in about two weeks (ahhh!) I will be giving your kiddos hugs and loves from you and Shawn.
Congrats and enjoy this very special moment. What a greak weekend you will have!
I am soooo happy for you guys,I just cant wait for you to get you new babies home! Praying for a very quick court date since your referral wait was plenty long!
Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow! How amazing! Oh, tearing up.... Congratulations, I'm soooo happy for you and Shawn! I hope you pass court, I'll pray for you! Isn't it the craziest feeling? I can't wait to see them!!
LIsa, I am just so emotionally excited for you guys that any words I say arent sufficient. So, I am speechlessly ecstatic for you and have been anxiously awaiting to read this very post! I cannot believe it and I cannot wait to see you precious babies! Congrats!!!
Oh Lisa...So awesome!
Can't wait to see pics!
YAYAYAYYAYAYYAYAYAYAY!!!!! I can hear your excitement in this post! I just went to the Yahoo group and saw a bunch of posts with Congrats and thought "PLEASE let it be Shawn & Lisa!" and it is !!!!! Congratulations and prayers for quick, smooth court date! Oh I'm happy now!!!
Congratulations! Can't wait until you can post pictures of your new little ones!
Lisa, I'm so glad your day has finally come. :)
I love reading "the call" stories! These are wonderful things to share with your babies.
I hope you make it through court-and hopefully you will. I'm still relatively unsure of the exact dates of court closure...
but, hopefully it won't matter.
This is so freaking awesome! Many congrats. What a great belated Bday present for you both. Hoping you get the travel call soon!!!
HOLY COW!!!! CONGRATULATIONS. I was waiting for the day I'd check your blog and see this post! Totally awesome, I'm so happy for you guys!
I am so happy for you both! What a wonderful gift these two little ones are! I can't wait to see pictures. I'm sure you want to scoop them up right now. I do hope you'll make it through court before it closes. This was the hardest wait for me. Congratulations on your two little ones!
With Love,
Oh wow! Congratulations! So happy for you guys :)
Congratulations!!! I understand about wanting to get there and get them soooooon! Hope it works out for you to make it through court before they close!
I don't mind being the 28th person to say how happy I am for you!!!!!
I am within earshot of Toni and heard her conversation with you. How blessed am I to now read your side of the phone call? You have me in tears of happiness!!!
Congratulations a thousand times over. Thank you for sharing this day on your blog.
Wishing so many blessings upon you and your children -
Jennifer N! (one last exclamation!!)
i just have to tell you that reading this made me cry- i am so excited for you guys!!!! congratulations again!!! here's to a speedy court date :-)
Congratulations!!!! I saw the referral for the sibling group in my weekly update and immediately checked your blog. I knew it had to be you--FINALLY!!!
Enjoy these blissfully happy, hopeful, sleepless (you are going to be waaaaaay too excited to sleep for at least 24 hours, I'm sure!) days following THE CALL! Isn't it amazing!
We'll be checking in on your progress. Good luck!!!
YEA!!! I'm screaming with you!!! Enjoy your last few weeks (I'm being positive!) because you are going to have your hands FULL. I know your hearts are already way full. Isn't it the greatest feeling??
I LOVE hearing stories about the call. Congrats! I hope you make court before the closing. With how long you waited you deserve it.
Congratulations! It's obvious you're beyond excited. :) I'm so happy for you guys. Can't wait to see pictures.
So VERY excited for you guys!!! I can't wait to see their sweet faces!
SO excited for you guys! THanks for including me in on your moment of excitement!!!! I could hardly work the rest of the day and focus after we talked!!
i just typed out a BIG congrats comment and then it got deleted. argh!! i'll try again...
wow...what a great story!! you made my week! i was having a really bad day (non-adoption related) and the news turned my whole day around!!
i am so happy for you guys! i am sure you are through the roof! i know it was a really rough wait for you. how cool is it that you will get a court date before they close?!
God is SO God!! what an amazing story you have to tell! i can't wait to see pictures of your precious children!!
Congratulations again, I am so thrilled for your family!
I am so thrilled for you. I really hope you will get to bring them home soon!
Lisa and Shawn,
I was on vacation so got the great news late. I am so happy for you. I loved reading this post. It brought back such memories.
Just fantastic. So happy for you. It's hard to not see the pics. I hate that we can't share that.
Fantastic News ... Congratulations.
Lisa W.
OH MY WORD!!! Congrats!!! Court court here we come!! We will be saying lots of prayers that it comes quick and you get out of there even quicker!! I can't wait to see pics of those kids!!
OH MY WORD!!! Congrats!!! Court court here we come!! We will be saying lots of prayers that it comes quick and you get out of there even quicker!! I can't wait to see pics of those kids!!
Oh how great....I was so excited to see your news!!!!
Wow! I am so excited for you guys! Can't wait to see those little cuties!!! Take care!
Soo sooo sooo happy for you! This is so wonderful!
Great story-telling! I can just imagine it now... How fun : )
Are you getting excited:) I'm sure that is quite an understatement. I wish we could go with you and could meet! I'm sure we will someday at a CHI event? Maybe you'll meet my kids before I do? I hope so, I hope they are at the house of hope when you travel? Only God knows so I'll keep trying to trust Him!
Oh my goodness, I can't wait to see pictures! Keep us all updated!
I am a few days late here but...
I am so happy for you. The kids sound absolutely wonderful.
kim in KS
Sending many positive thoughts your way for a quick passing of court so we can see pics of your beautiful babes! Congratulations!!!
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