Saturday, February 9, 2008

Road Trip!!

It was a great day for a road trip! We drove to Kansas City with it being sunny, and fifty some degrees. It was sooo relaxing.
We met my daughter at the mall. Shopped a little, got Panera Bread bagels(yummy!) to take home, shopped a little more, then said bye to my daughter.

We then went to The Cheesecake Factory, to meet our new friends, John and Amanda.(thanks for joining us!)
They are adopting from Ethiopia, with CHI also. It's great to be making new friends along our journey. I guess we should have taken the camera, to show off the cheesecake!!! Yummy!

There are alot of parents coming and going to Ethiopia this week! I'm so happy for everyone bringing home their little ones!!! Congrats!!


Amanda said...

PANERA!! I miss them so much. I never realized how "addicted" I became in grad school until we moved to a place that didn't have them.
In fact, they're not big on soup/sandwichy type things here.

but, I'm glad you enjoyed your day and had fun with your new friends!

Mrs. Engelhardt said...

Mmmm....Cheesecake Factory!

Gail said...

Wasn't yesterday beautiful!!! Glad you had a great day!

Amanda and John said...

We had a great time too! I also wish I had brought a camera...we coud have posted it on our blog! It was great to get together with you you and Shawn!

Amanda and John

The Soucys said...

I'm jealous of your 50 something degree weather!
Want to trade for several days of snow, chapped lips, and wet pant cuffs?

Angela said...

I love road trips!

Julie said...

How fun to meet another family who is adopting. Sounds like a great weekend.


Tracy said...

HI Lisa! Found your blog! :) Can't wait to follow your journey as well! Let's hope its fast and smooth sailing for all of us!

atHisrighthand said...

Yum! the Cheezecake factory! I could eat there everyday!

Take care,

Renee said...

sounds like a fun day!!

Chatter said...

That sounds like a great day! I've been thinking of you lately and hoping for some referrals Lisa! I hope you hear something soon. My day turned around for the best. Biruk is officially ours :)

THanks for your support earlier. You've been a pal!
