Friday, February 22, 2008

Poor Puppy...

This morning i took my daughter's puppy,Macee to get spayed.
I kept putting it off because i don't want to be mean...
As you can tell in the pics,Macee doesn't know what she's in for! She even kisses the woman working at the vet clinic.


Amanda said...

Well....dogs who are neutered/spayed typically live longer lives. So, perhaps she DOES know what she's in for.

I like the pictures-what a day to document! I wish I had thought of that with our pups.

Julie said...

I know how you feel. I always feel awful when I leave my dog at the vet. Hope all went well.


atHisrighthand said...

Too funny. Poor dog. LOL. I am sure she be up and about in no time. Our dogs both recovered quickly, but secretly I am sure they have not forgiven us yet. LOl. HOpe you are well!

LISA said...

Amanda, I didn't know that...better reason to have it done!

Amanda said...

Hi, Lisa!! How's the pup doing?

Anyhow-the quilt is off-white with crayon-looking drawings. There are dragons, castles and knights in shining armor. Seems "boy"ish, but the colors are girly-so it could go either way.
I was really set on dinosaurs, but couldn't find a gender neutral dino set...
I'll take photos soon. :)

atHisrighthand said...

nothing in the mail. I have given up the stalking of the mailman..... Oh well. it will happen right? Feeling a little like I don't want to write on my blog until it comes. who wants to read, yep no immigration yet for my last 200 entries... hahaha..

Hope you are well!

Brad and Fran Hoagland said...

ok, you got me beat!!LOL!! Well, in your pic, dont tell him, but you guys look the same age.